CASR Project List

Design and Analysis of CFRP Motor Case

Project Investigator: Dr.V.Baskar
Total Cost: Rs.4,80,000/-
Year: 2001-2003
Sponsoring Agency: DRDL, Hyderabad 

Thermo Structural Design of HRV Wing

Project Investigator: Dr.R.Dhanaraj
Total Cost: Rs.4,98,000/-
Year: 2001-2002
Sponsoring Agency: DRDL, Hyderabad 

Mathematical Modeling of Flow in a Kerosene Fuelled Scram Jet Combustor

Project Investigator: Dr.B.T.N.Sridhar
Total Cost: Rs.4,95,000/-
Year: 2001-2002
Sponsoring Agency: DRDL, Hyderabad 

Experimental Evaluation of Aerodynamics Characteristics of HRV vehicle configuration at Low Speeds

Project Investigator: Dr.B.T.N.Sridhar
Total Cost: Rs.4,48,500/-
Year: 2001-2003
Sponsoring Agency: DRDL, Hyderabad 

Temperature Mapping Rocket Motor propellant

Project Investigator: Dr.R.Dhanaraj
Total Cost: Rs.7,00,000/-
Year: 2001-2003
Sponsoring Agency: ASL, Hyderabad 

Micro Satellite Development in Anna University (ANUSAT)

Project Investigator: Dr.P.V.Ramakrishna
Total Cost: Rs.4,39,00,000/-
Year: 2002-2005
Sponsoring Agency: ISRO, Bangalore 

Consultancy for Development of Application Software  

Project Investigator: Dr.J.Shanmugam
Total Cost: Rs.4,92,000/-
Year: 2002-2004
Sponsoring Agency: ISRO, Bangalore 

Determination of Ageing Characteristics of Solid Rocket Motors

Project Investigator: Dr.B.T.N.Sridhar
Total Cost: Rs.70,00,000/-
Year: 2002-2007
Sponsoring Agency: ASL, Hyderabad. 

Design and Development of Loom for 3-Dimensional Spacer Fabric

Project Investigator:
Dr.A.Joseph Stanley 
Total Cost: Rs.6,05,600/-
Year: 2002-2004
Sponsoring Agency: AR&DB,
New Delhi

Estimation of Control Characteristics of HRV at Low Speeds

Project Investigator:
Total Cost: Rs.1,98,000/-
Year: 2003
Sponsoring Agency: DRDL, Hyderabad 

Experimental Evaluation of Component Characteristics of HRV at Low Speeds 

Project Investigator:
Dr. B.T.N.Sridhar 
Total Cost: Rs.1,94,400/-
Year: 2002-2004
Sponsoring Agency: DRDL, Hyderabad

Aerodynamic Loading and Thermal Mapping

Project Investigator: Dr.B.T.N.Sridhar
Total Cost: Rs.4,75,000/-
Year: 2003
Sponsoring Agency: DRDL, Hyderabad 

Stress Analysis and Weight Estimation of Major Structural Components of HTV 

Project Investigator:
Total Cost: Rs.4,85,000/-
Year: 2003
Sponsoring Agency: DRDL, Hyderabad 

Structural Layout on Conceptual Design of Major Structural Components of HTV based on Aero Thermal loading

Project Investigator: Dr.V.Baskar
Total Cost: Rs.4,75,000/-
Year: 2003
Sponsoring Agency: DRDL, Hyderabad 

Up gradation of Supersonic Wind Tunnel In CAP Laboratories

Project Investigator: Dr.B.T.N.Sridhar
Total Cost: Rs.7,85,000/-
Year: 2003
Sponsoring Agency: AR&DB,
New Delhi 

Establishment of High Temperature Material Characterization Centre

Project Investigator: Dr.B.T.N.Sridhar
Total Cost: Rs.432,00,000/-
Year: 2004
Sponsoring Agency: DRDO,
New Delhi. 

Airframe Attachment-HSTDV Engine Airframe Attachment Design

Project Investigator: Dr.R.Dhanaraj
Total Cost: Rs.3,30,000/-
Year: 2004
Sponsoring Agency: DRDL, Hyderabad 

Design and Development of Enhanced OS for a Flosolver series of Parallel Having Flow switch

Project Investigator: Dr.S.Thamaraiselvi
Total Cost: Rs.15,00,000/-
Year: 2004-2007
Sponsoring Agency: CSIR,
New Delhi 

Missile Defence and Interceptor allocation by RFB Neural Networks

Project Investigator: Dr.S.Thamaraiselvi
Total Cost: Rs.12,00,000/-
Year: 2004-2006
Sponsoring Agency: DRDO,
New Delhi 

Fabrication and Establishment of Experimental facilities

Project Investigator:
Dr.A.Joseph Stanley
Total Cost: Rs.2,75,000/-
Year: 2004-2007
Sponsoring Agency: HCE, Padur 

Tip to End Flow Simulation of HSTDV Configuration Incorporating Pylon Based Scram Jet Combustor

Project Investigator: Dr.B.T.N.Sridhar
Total Cost: Rs.9,84,000/-
Year: 2004
Sponsoring Agency: DRDO, Hyderabad 

Development of Knowledge Based Wind Tunnel Test Data Management System

Project Investigator: Dr.S.Thamaraiselvi
Total Cost: Rs.9,90,000/-
Year: 2005
Sponsoring Agency: DRDL,

Development of Gas Generator Propellant Formulations with low Flame Temperature

Project Investigator:
Total Cost: Rs.9,80,000/-
Year: 2005-2007
Sponsoring Agency: RCI, Hyderabad 

Semantic Grid –Development of Front End Tools for Grid Services

Project Investigator:
Total Cost: Rs.12,00,000/-
Year: 2005
Sponsoring Agency: DRDL, Hyderabad

CFD Analysis of Supersonic Combustion in a Pylon Based Scramjet Combustors

Project Investigator: Dr.B.T.N.Sridhar
Total Cost: Rs.9,75,000/-
Year: 2005
Sponsoring Agency: DRDL, Hyderabad. 

Development of Front End Tools for Grid Services

Project Investigator:
Dr. S. Thamarai Selvi
Total Cost: Rs. 11,00,000/-
Year: 2005-2006
Sponsoring Agency:
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing

Thermal and Thermo-Mechanical Characterization of Aluminium Alloy HE-15 WP Condition, Inconel – 601 and Hastalloy – 718 for Hot Gas Actuators

Project Investigator:
Dr. R. Dhanaraj
Total Cost: Rs.9,50,000/-
Year: 2007
Sponsoring Agency: RCI, DRDO

Development of model mounting mechanism for Wind Tunnel

Project Investigator:
Total Cost: Rs.19,16,000/-
Year: 2008
Sponsoring Agency: AR&DB
New Delhi 

Development of reaction systems using solid hot gas generators

Project Investigator:
Dr. B.T.N.Sridhar,
Total Cost: Rs.9,99,000/-
Year: 2009
Sponsoring Agency: RCI, DRDO

Thermal analysis of graphite samples

Project Investigator:
Dr. B.T.N. Sridhar
Total Cost: Rs.5,51,500/-
Year: 2010
Sponsoring Agency:
Graphite India Limited, Bangalore

First Pilot View (FPV) Flying UAV Test Bed for Acoustic and Imaged Data Generation

Project Investigator:
Total Cost: Rs.14,97,000/-
Year: 2010
Sponsoring Agency: NAL,

Impact characterization of Laminate Composites

Project Investigator:
Dr. B.T.N. Sridhar,
Total Cost: Rs.9,85,000/-
Year: 2010
Sponsoring Agency: ADE,DRDO

Joint Time Frequency Representation of Acoustic Signatures of Electrical MAV’s

Project Investigator:
Dr. A.SaravanaKumar 
Total Cost: Rs.9,80,000/-
Year: 2011-2012
Sponsoring Agency: ADE, DRDO

Strength of Laminated Composites by Impact and Compression Tests

Project Investigator:
Total Cost: Rs.9,85,000/-
Year: 2012
Sponsoring Agency:
ADE,DRDO Bangalore 

Experimental Investigation of the Role of Innovative Vortex Generators on High Speed Jet Control

Project Investigator:
Total Cost: Rs.18,82,000/-
Year: 2012
Sponsoring Agency: AR & DB
DRDO New Delhi 

Force Measurement for the UAV model using Wind Tunnel and 6- component internal balance

Project Investigator:
Total Cost: Rs. 2,27,500/-
Year: 2013
Sponsoring Agency: IIT, Madras

Consultancy for Aerodynamic design and development of High Subsonic/ Transonic Glide Vehicle

Project Investigator:
Total Cost: Rs.8,50,000/-
Year: 2013
Sponsoring Agency:
RCI, Hyderabad 

Evaluation of Stall Characteristics of the Control Surface of RCI Reduced Dimension Vehicle

Project Investigator:
Total Cost: Rs.7,07,440
Year: 2015
Sponsoring Agency:
RCI, DRDO, Hyderabad 

Design and Development of Smart Phone Controlled Micro UAV Systems 

Project Investigator:
Dr. K. Senthil Kumar
Total Cost: Rs. 34,44,000/-
Year: 2014-2016
Sponsoring Agency:
AR&DB, New Delhi

Setting up of Combustion Driven Shock Tunnel 

Project Investigator:
Dr. C. Senthilkumar,
Dr. B.T.N. Sridhar,
Dr. V. Arumugam
Total Cost: Rs. 44,06,000/-
Year: 2014-2016
Sponsoring Agency:
AR & DB, New Delhi

Development of Mathematical Model for Prediction of Energy Loss in Canister during Missile Launching 

Project Investigator:
Dr. C. Senthilkumar
Total Cost: Rs.24,97,000/-
Year: 2014-2016
Sponsoring Agency:
ASL, Hyderabad 

Thermal Characterization and Analysis of Carbon – Carbon Samples for Aerospace Applications

Project Investigator:
Dr. V. Arumugam,
Dr. C. Senthilkumar,
Dr. B.T.N. Sridhar
Total Cost: Rs. 7,60,000/-
Year: 2014-2016
Sponsoring Agency:
GIL, Bangalore 

Design and Development of Rotary Wing VTOL Mini Unmanned Aircraft System for Tamil Nadu Police

Project Investigator:
Dr. K. Senthil Kumar,
Dr. S. Thamarai Selvi
Total Cost: Rs. 95,00,000/-
Year: 2015-2019
Sponsoring Agency:
DGP, Government of Tamil Nadu

Effects of Combustor Exit Profile in Tip and Platform with Film Cooling Effectiveness

Project Investigator:
Total Cost: Rs. 14,45,000/-
Year: 2015-2018
Sponsoring Agency:
UGC, New Delhi

Design and Development of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Project Investigator:
Dr. K. Senthil Kumar,
Dr. S. Thamarai Selvi
Total Cost: Rs. 20,00,00,000/-
Year: 2015-2018
Sponsoring Agency:
Tamil Nadu Government under TANII scheme

Temperature Effect on Falling Weight Impact Damage in Composite Laminates

Project Investigator:
Total Cost: Rs. 16,24,000/-
Year: 2016-2018
Sponsoring Agency:
AR&DB , New Delhi

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Photogrammetric Mapping for Flood Preparedness in the State of TamilNadu

Project Investigator:
Dr. K. Senthil Kumar,
Dr. A. Saravanakumar 
Total Cost: Rs. 7,00,00,000/-
Year: 2017-2020
Sponsoring Agency:
Disaster Management Agency, Government of Tamil Nadu

Design and Implementation of Micro Quad Copter UAV

Project Investigator:
Dr. K. Senthil Kumar
Total Cost: Rs.4,31,000/-
Year: 2018
Sponsoring Agency:
Office of the Sub Divisional Magistrate and Sub Collector, Kumbakonam

Supply of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Project Investigator:
Dr. K. Senthil Kumar,
Dr. A. Saravanakumar 
Total Cost: Rs.25,00,000/-
Year: 2017 - 2018
Sponsoring Agency:
State Police Chief, Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram

Supply, Design, Development Training Maintenance of Rotary Wing VTOL Mini Unmanned Aircraft System with accessories for use of Kolkata Police

Project Investigator:
Dr. K. Senthil Kumar,
Dr. A. Saravanakumar
Total Cost: Rs.26,00,000/-
Year: 2017 – 2018
Sponsoring Agency:
Office of Commissioner of Police, Government of West Bengal, Kolkata

Design and Development of Fixed Wing UAV with Mapping Camera

Project Investigator:
Dr. K. Senthil Kumar,
Dr. A. Saravanakumar 
Total Cost: Rs.15,99,000/-
Year: 2018 -2021
Sponsoring Agency:
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Department of Remote Sensing and GIS, Coimbatore

Design and Development of Quad Copter UAV and accessories with digital Camera

Project Investigator:
Dr. K. Senthil Kumar,
Dr. A. Saravanakumar
Total Cost: Rs.8,00,000/-
Year: 2018 -2021
Sponsoring Agency:
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Department of Remote Sensing and GIS

Integration of Thermal Imaging system and Accessories with Quad Copter UAV

Project Investigator:
Dr. K. Senthil Kumar,
Dr. A. Saravanakumar 
Total Cost: Rs7,96,000/-
Year: 2018 -2021
Sponsoring Agency:
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Department of Remote Sensing and GIS, Coimbatore

Integration of Visible Sensors and Accessories with UAV System

Project Investigator:
Dr. K. Senthil Kumar,
Dr. A. Saravanakumar
Total Cost: Rs7,92,000/-
Year: 2018 -2021
Sponsoring Agency:
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Department of Remote Sensing and GIS, Coimbatore

Village Map Georeference using UAV Digital ortho for forest boundary demarcation in Vippar Village, Vilathikulam Taluk, Tuticorin District

Project Investigator:
Dr. K. Senthil Kumar
Total Cost: Rs.3,60,000/-
Year: 2018-2019
Sponsoring Agency:
Revenue Administration, Disaster Management and Mitigation Department

Supply of Tethered UAV and its Accessories to Bharat Electronics Limited

Project Investigator:
Dr. K. Senthil Kumar,
Dr. A. Saravanakumar
Total Cost: Rs.1,30,27,000/-
Year: 2018-2020
Sponsoring Agency:
Bharat Electronics Limited, Bangalore

Supply of Quad Copter UAV and its Accessories to Bharat Electronics Limited

Project Investigator:
Dr. K. Senthil Kumar,
Dr. A. Saravanakumar 
Total Cost: Rs.72,54,000/-
Year: 2018-2020
Sponsoring Agency:
Bharat Electronics Limited, Bangalore

River Profile Based Post Flood Scenario Assessment using unmanned Aerial Survey Output of Pamba River Basin

Project Investigator:
Dr. K. Senthil Kumar,
Dr. A. Saravanakumar
Total Cost: Rs.15,00,000/-
Year: 2018 -2019
Sponsoring Agency:
KSREC- Kerala State Remote Sensing & Environment Centre

Drone Based Micro Level Spatial Monitoring of fresh water lakes of Kerala-UAV Mapping

Project Investigator:
Dr. K. Senthil Kumar,
Dr. A. Saravanakumar
Total Cost: Rs.15,00,000/-
Year: 2018 -2019
Sponsoring Agency:
KSREC- Kerala State Remote Sensing & Environment Centre

Survey and Mapping for Proposed Road Construction Design & Analysis using Unmanned Aerial Systems(UAS)

Project Investigator:
Dr. K. Senthil Kumar
Total Cost: Rs.16,56,000/-
Year: 2019-2021
Sponsoring Agency:
North Eastern Space Application Centre (NESAC), Department of Space, Umiam Meghalaya

Supply, Installation, Commissioning & Training of 02 (two) sets of Complete package of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle System (UAV) for surveying and mapping on Nomination Basis

Project Investigator:
Dr. K. Senthil Kumar
Total Cost: Rs.3,63,35,000/-
Year: 2020-2021
Sponsoring Agency:
Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Ltd. (CMPDI), Jharkhand

Value Added Programme on UAV System

Project Investigator:
Dr. K. Senthil Kumar
Total Cost: Rs.9,40,500/-
Year: 2020-2021
Sponsoring Agency:
The Kalaignar Karunanidhi Institute of Technology (KIT)

Assemble and Supply of 25 Drones of Disinfectant Spraying Drones

Project Investigator:
Dr. K. Senthil Kumar
Total Cost: Rs.5,00,00,000/-
Year: 2020-2021
Sponsoring Agency:
Revenue Administration, Disaster Management Department,
Tamil Nadu

Supply of 16 Nos of Micro Drones for field Policing

Project Investigator:
Dr. K. Senthil Kumar
Total Cost: Rs.36,80,000/-
Year: 2021-2022
Sponsoring Agency:
Tamil Nadu Police

Disinfectant Spraying in Chennai Corporation

Project Investigator:
Dr. K. Senthil Kumar
Total Cost: Rs.18,40,800/-
Year: 2020-2021
Sponsoring Agency:
Greater Chennai Corporation

Supply of Single Trainer Drones

Project Investigator:
Dr. K. Senthil Kumar
Total Cost: Rs. 1,76,054/-
Year: 2020-2021
Sponsoring Agency:
Tamil Nadu Police

Monitoring the Mining activity, Volumetric analysis, lease Boundary analysis, surveillance to curb illegal mining and various other applications related to Mining industry in the State of Tamil Nadu

Project Investigator:
Dr. K. Senthil Kumar
Total Cost: Rs.50,00,000/-
Year: 2020-2021
Sponsoring Agency:
Department of Geology and Mining , Government of Tamil Nadu

UAV’s for Aerial Remote Sensing

Project Investigator:
Dr. K. Senthil Kumar
Total Cost: Rs. 23,08,080/-
Year: 2021-2022
Sponsoring Agency:
National Remote Sensing Centre. ISRO, Hyderabad

Design and Development of Module Drone

Project Investigator:
Dr. K. Senthil Kumar
Total Cost: Rs. 7,00,000/-
Year: 2021
Sponsoring Agency:
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Department of Remote Sensing and GIS, Coimbatore

Scoping Study on Role of UAVs/Drones in Disaster Management

Project Investigator:
Dr. K. Senthil Kumar
Total Cost: Rs.42,95,250/-
Year: 2021
Sponsoring Agency:
National Disaster Management Authority, Ministry of Home Affairs

Supply of Micro Drones

Project Investigator:
Dr. K. Senthil Kumar
Total Cost: Rs.71,30,000/-
Year: 2021-2022
Sponsoring Agency:
Technical Services, Tamil Nadu Police

Supply of Drone for Disaster and Rescue Operations

Project Investigator:
Dr. K. Senthil Kumar
Total Cost: Rs.1,14,00,000/-
Year: 2021-2022
Sponsoring Agency:
AFGP, Operations, Tamil Nadu Police

Data driven research and analysis of effects of Drone based Ultra low volume aerial spraying of bio disinfectant on COVID-19 under RUSA scheme

Project Investigator:
Dr. K. Senthil Kumar
Total Cost: Rs.15,00,000/-
Year: 2021-2022
Sponsoring Agency:
State Project Director, RUSA

Data Driven Research Study on River Desilt Monitoring & Analysis using Drones (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) at Nagapattinam District under RUSA Scheme

Project Investigator:
Dr. K. Senthil Kumar
Total Cost: Rs.14,85,000/-
Year: 2021
Sponsoring Agency:
State Project Director, RUSA

Study on drones to control of larvae in major water ways in Chennai

Project Investigator:
Dr. K. Senthil Kumar
Total Cost: Rs.11,38,500/-
Year: 2021
Sponsoring Agency:
Greater Chennai Corporation

Sprayer Drone Operation to control of larvae in major water ways in Chennai

Project Investigator:
Dr. K. Senthil Kumar
Total Cost: Rs.12,39,000/-
Year: 2021-2022
Sponsoring Agency:
Greater Chennai Corporation